A Common Mistake Communication Professionals Make

Failure to establish clear boundaries has been a recurring mistake throughout my career. As a communications professional, the expectations often encompass a wide array of roles including fixer, content strategist, events planner, project manager, creative director, graphic designer, administrative support, IT assistant, marketer, and communications strategist, among others. While some of these responsibilities may indeed fall within the scope of the role, it is crucial to delineate when they do not.

There are instances where individuals may misconstrue the breadth of the communications role and begin to assign tasks without recognizing the strategic nature of the work involved. This can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and eventually burnt out.

Setting boundaries early on is imperative to clarify the scope of responsibilities and educate others on the true nature of the role. It is acceptable, and sometimes necessary, to assertively decline tasks that fall outside of this scope.

A communications professional should also not be seen as a miraculous fixer of broken systems( this is a whole different conversation).

Clearly defining one's role may initially cause discomfort as others adjust, but consistency in reinforcing boundaries is key.

While it is fair to be flexible and accomodating from time to time, it is essential to ensure that you and your are not taken for granted.

The summary of this whole post is learn when and how to say "No".
