Reasons why you need a good reputation


            When I was in high school, there was a saying, “don’t burn your rep” and it was usually thrown at people who were acting out of character. It simply meant, “preserve your reputation because people are watching”. I will confess though; I burnt my rep a few times in high school but let me not burn it any further by sharing those stories. Anyways, I am here to tell organizations to safeguard their reputation because if you burn that rep, it will HURT you.

            Your reputation has a lot to do with how others perceive you and you must put your best foot forward. So, here are some reasons why you should build a good reputation and protect it-

  1.   A solid reputation can be a cushion during a crisis. When a crisis occurs, your good name/reputation will play a huge role in determining your survival.
  2.   It motivates customers to trust your brand. When customers trust you, they become loyal, when they become loyal, they become advocates, and you do not want to underestimate the power of loyal customers. They will have your back when the storm comes raging.
  3.   A good reputation can help lower marketing and advertising costs. How?  Look at reason number 2 again. When customers become advocates, they talk about your organization and help you do free word of mouth advertising.
  4. Your organization will attract better employees and partners because of a good reputation. People like to work with and collaborate with organizations whose values align with theirs. So, if you want to attract candidates who are honest, dedicated, and can offer long-term contributions, build a solid reputation that reflects such.

What are some other reasons why you should build a solid reputation? Share in the comments.

Watch out for my next post on HOW to build a good reputation for your organization.
