Employees + Social Media (Benefits to the organization)

Employee advocacy simply means the promotion of a company by employees who share their support for a company's brand, product, or services on their social networks (everyonesocial.com)
Let's start with why it is important for employees to talk about your organization. Of what benefit is it to you?
1. It is free.

2. They are sharing with people who trust them (their family and friends). If these people trust them, then they begin to trust you.
84% of consumers value recommendations from friends and family above formal advertising and 76% say that they’re more likely to trust content shared by people over content shared by a brand.
Most employees detach themselves from work on social media. But if you notice that someone in your circle is proud of where they work and shares valuable information about the organization, won't that make you see the organization in a different light?
You will feel like if she is so proud to be associated with them, then they are probably doing something right!
For your organization, that act by an employee has just changed someone's perception of your brand and has improved your reputation.

3. According to peer-to-peer marketing, you get 561% GREATER REACH when messages are shared by employees rather than by the brand’s official social media channels.
For example, if your organization has 5,000 followers but you have 5 employees that talk about you on social media, and these 5 employees have 1000 followers each, making a total of 5000 followers. Which of these audiences do you think your organization's story will impact more? Your followers or theirs?
Remember we talked about trust earlier.
So, there you have it, your 5 employees can reach way more people than you in this example we used.

4. All of these improve your reputation.

Employee advocacy is quite Layered, it is not just about telling employees to tweet about your organization.
In my next post, I will share what to do before you launch an employee advocacy program and what the benefits are to employees.
