Goals for your Organization in 2022 (Through the lens of a Communications Professional)


 I know there is a lot of pressure at the start of the year to set goals. We may be able to avoid goal setting as individuals, but we cannot escape it at organizations because goals help guide how the organization operates.

    I will share with you three goals to incorporate into your plans this new year or in your new fiscal year. These goals are things that will improve your organization because they rely heavily on good communication. First off, we must remember that for goals to be effective, they must be SMART.






Goal 1- Prioritize Employee Job Satisfaction

           Job satisfaction is not just about money. You need to make your employees feel heard, valued, appreciated, recognized and included. Give your employees the tools they need to do their jobs effectively, ensure that benefits are great and the pay is right. When employees feel satisfied at their jobs, revenue increases, product/service quality improves, employee retention increases, customer loyalty improves, productivity grows, and innovation is limitless.

Goal 2- Strive to Improve your Reputation

        This year, improve your reputation online and offline.

Here are a few ways to do that:

·         Be responsive

·         Be proactive

·         Identify pain points and proffer solutions.

·         Sound human on social media

·         Support causes and movements that matter to your audience

·         Own up to your mistakes

I hope you take your reputation seriously in 2022 because your reputation can make or break your organization.

Goal 3- Update your Communication Plans

        You may have a few communication plans like a social media plan, a crisis communication, a strategic communication plan, and many more. You should set some time aside to review these plans.

Were the plans effective in the previous year?

What worked and what didn’t?

How can you improve on certain elements?

You don’t want to take a plan into the new year that will not serve its purpose, so gather your team and let the reviews begin.

I hope you found this helpful, and you will be incorporating these goals into yours this year.

I have a page on Instagram where I share content that will help you grow your organization through the use of communication strategies. Follow that page HERE or search for @theshiftwithg


